Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Vegan Pasta Bolognese

I have been craving some good Italian food. Ever want the Old World taste but, not sacrifice your health? So, I made myself a challenge....To make a remake Pasta Bolognese from the Food Network but, in a healthy vegan way.

Here is how I revamped this recipe.

Vegan Pasta Bolognese
1 onion, chopped
4 carrots, grated
4 cloves garlic
2 pack of tempeh (Trader Joe's brand)
1 zucchini, grated
1 cup coffee, brewed this morning
1 cup red wine
1 T basil, oregano, fennel seeds, garlic powder and tyme (dried)
3/4 cup tomato paste
1 t marmite
1 t vegan worcestershire
1 jar spaghetti sauce (I used the 365 brand at Whole Foods)
3 T onion soup mix, vegan
3 cups water

I cooked the onion, garlic and carrot in 1 cup water for 15 minutes. Then I crumbled the temphe and cooked for another 10 minutes. Adding water if it was to brown. Then I added the remaining ingredients. Brought the pot to a boil. And then simmered the dish for 3 hours. Keep an eye on the sauce, if it gets to thick just add some water.

I will serve the sauce on a bed of Whole Wheat pasta and a huge Italian salad.

My home really smells Italian! Yippie! Ed's Nana would be happy to see him eat such healthy food.  The family gives this dish 2 thumbs up!!

Noteworthy: When I was showing the home (for sale) the Bolognese was cooking...they said it smelled fantastic. The kid said he wanted to eat here!  Little did they know it was vegan!

 came across this blog via facebook....felt like the information needed to be shared. You can find the blog: How to ID Genetically Modified foods at the supermarket at Friends Eat

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